Breeze through the Public Service Commission (PSC) Second Language Evaluation tests in French-as-a-second-language by preparing yourself optimally for them!
Take advantage of our proprietary practice material and tools that will help you succeed in the Oral Language Assessment as well as in the tests of Written Expression and Reading Comprehension
Five sets of 35 simple questions of the type that start off the Oral Language Assessment.
Master your answers to these 175 questions and make a positive and very confident start to your oral test.
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Two practice tests in the style of the Covid-19, interim, oral test. Each test has two sets of responses to each question, one at level B and one at level C. This will help you better understand the difference in linguistic complexity between the two levels.
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Nine work-related audio clips and questions, to help you develop your understanding of spoken French in preparation for the Oral Language Assessment, as well as in the workplace. Six exercises are at an intermediate level, three are at an advanced level.
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Eight preparation exercises to familiarize you with the requirements of the Oral Language Assessment. Each exercise is in three parts and is ideal for either classroom or self-learning.
Two practice tests in the approximate style, length and complexity of the PSC’s new Oral Language Assessment that is currently in use.
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Tools: Test of Written Expression
Seven practice tests to help you master the requirements of the PSC’s supervised test in the format that was in use until Covid-19 restrictions prevented supervised testing.
Five practice tests in the format of the PSC’s new, temporary, unsupervised test, which is currently in use until supervised testing resumes.
Both sets of tests provide excellent classroom or self-learning practice to improve your grammar knowledge!
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Tools: Test of Reading Comprehension
Four practice tests to help you master the requirements of the PSC’s supervised test in the format that was in use until Covid-19 restrictions prevented supervised testing.
Two practice tests in the format of the PSC’s new, temporary, unsupervised test, which is currently in use until supervised testing resumes.
Both sets of tests are great tools to improve your understanding of written French!
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Master a wide variety of learning and linguistic challenges using this unique and ever-increasing selection of training tools
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Four modules to help students acquire legal vocabulary concerning ‘The Legal System’.
Four modules to help students acquire legal vocabulary concerning ‘Criminal Justice’.
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